Categories: PoliticsUS

A Response to MLK’s Speech Today

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<p>Not so long ago Martin Luther King made a speech that changed America for the better and put us on a promising road for a future filled with freedoms afforded to all Americans.</p>
<p>As we headed for that quest for freedom we all held hands and took a deep breath that the ways of our past would help guide us to the new found joy that civil rights bring in a democracy.</p>
<p>However, with the passing of &ldquo;The Patriot Act&rdquo; America has declined to fulfill that promise of freedom and the United States has taken a step back to the past mistakes already learned and undoing the seams of our woven democracy to become loose and dragging behind. She will almost certainly become unraveled and amidst from untailored linings. She will become known only as rags. Used up, torn apart, ripped and stained from a tainted few until left with only dust covered mountains. Our beautiful democracy treated like dirt has been swept under the carpet to hide the embarrassing implications of wrongdoing in our own leaders rule.</p>
<p>Our civil rights have been completely ignored, invaded, revised, or re-written to rid our democracy of anything that resembles freedom. There was a time this country was headed in the right direction, but that was a very long time ago. In the early 70&rsquo;s the government began its segregated busing for schools which was the first of many events that would begin to separate the communities until they were only individuals within a community. Boys and Girls used to walk to school together and know who their neighbors were. Now no one knows and the only way they will together is chained by the ankles in our &quot;oh! So well financed&quot; prisons. These days it&rsquo;s much harder to stand up against this entity we call our leaders. Drugs have been not only supporting wallstreet, but also keeping America asleep while the few elite names in our history books run off with all the money. King&rsquo;s dreams of creating equal opportunity for the black man have become a reality. However the poverty in America has not changed much at all, nor has the police brutality. We do see more black men getting their share of wealth in music and even politics. We even have a black man running for president which is a wonderful thing, but America is beginning a slow and steady decline of freedoms once equally given to all her citizens is now become optional for the aristocrats of high society America and politicians who choose their own set of rules and guidelines to live by.</p>
<p>It is very hard to see the very real military law that is slowly coming in to play to take out democracy as we have come to know and love it. Our United States is in grave danger right now of falling, as Russia fell when she tried to go to war with Afghanistan. As it is now, we are borrowing money from China to cover our war expenses and pretty soon if we are not careful, China may own or be owed far too much from us to ever recover. I do not think his speech is still impacting America. You could actually use his speech again today, by leaving out just a few sentences and it is still valid in today&rsquo;s world and lack of freedom within it. </p>

Laura McCallum: I am currently attending CSUN and in the process of obtaining my Bachelors Degree in Journalism.
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