Iranian bloggers react to Israel-Hezbollah deal

Posted by Hamid Tehrani to Global Voices Online

While the Iranian government rejoiced at the release of Lebanese prisoners from Israel, bloggers were quick to ask about the fate of Iranians captured in Lebanon.

Mohmmad Ali Abtahi, a former Iranian Vice President and blogger, says that everybody who knows about world politics and is a little bit honest, will acknowledge Hezbollah’s and Sayed Hasan Nasrallah’s great victories in last two years. Abtahi adds:

Western media claims that Nasrallah is under the influence of Iranian officials, who are in the charge of country’s [Lebanon] foreign affairs. I guess these are empty words because if our diplomacy could act for Iran’s interests as did Hezbollah for its own interests, Iran could achieve great victories. With such victories that Sayed Hasan got, we just could wish he was Iran’s diplomacy’s adviser.

Furogh2007 says that Iran’s national (state) media celebrated this exchange between Hezbollah and Israel. The blogger adds:

“There are several Iranian security agents have been taken as hostages in south Lebanon but the Iranian Government refuses negotiation. Why is the Iranian Government rejoicing about the exchange of prisoners in Lebanon but refuses such an act to save Iranian citizens.”

Tobi begs to differ[Fa] and says:

Iranian officials are wrong when they say this exchange was a humiliating defeat for Israel. Israel showed it considers their dead people with great value.

Global Voices: Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens’ media project founded at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, a research think-tank focused on the Internet’s impact on society. Global Voices seeks to aggregate, curate, and amplify the global conversation online - shining light on places and people other media often ignore. We work to develop tools, institutions and relationships that will help all voices, everywhere, to be heard.
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