Libyan Foreign Minister left Gaddafi after reaching Britain

(Scooped news)
Gaddafi’s regime is in the recession from inside "said says Secretary Hague

In a dramatic development that the British government has hailed as a sign that the Gaddafi regime was "the collapse of the Interior”, jumped the great Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa in Britain who said Thursday that it was not possible for him to represent his country any more.

His defection news came one day after Britain expelled five Libyan diplomats saying they represented a threat to the national security.

Mr. Koussa, who arrived here Wednesday evening was taken to a safe place and interrogated by intelligence services with the hope of eliciting the internal essential information within the Gaddafi regime.

"He is a treasure of destructive information. Does anyone know where the bodies of the killed Gaddafi opponents are buried?”

A government source told the Times, while the speculation that Mr. Moussa was likely to seek asylum in Britain. A close ally Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi and Intelligence Chief of Libya, Moussa landed at Farnborough Airport, about 55 km south-west of London, the BBC said: he was carried in a British military plane. These shows raise the probability that British intelligence agencies might have facilitated his defection in the context of the campaign to encourage the West Libya for abandoning loyalty to Gaddafi.

But the British Foreign Office has denied any part in the Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa’s defection and leaving his long time master Gaddafi. They insisted that the Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa came Britain in his own and also left Gaddafi in his own will.

“As he came in his own … I do not know if his intentions of arrival in Britain" said a British Spokesman.

The Foreign Secretary William Hague said defection of Mr. Koussi has shown that the Gaddafi regime has been crumbled.

"He was my conduit to the regime in recent weeks and talked with him by phone several times and his resignation shows that the Gaddafi regime has been fragmented under pressure and erosion has commenced from in side within Gaddafi and Gaddafi is concerned of his situation. “Who is the next?” is now the inner question of Gaddafi, the four decades’ autocratic dictator.

Mr. Koussi has unfair pasts. When he was the head of the Libyan delegation in London, haad been expelled from Britain in 1980 for his role in attacks against Libyan dissidents. He later became a central figure in negotiations between the British governments and Colonel Gaddafi, who has earned to be embraced by the West. He also played a major role to relase Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi, a former Libyan intelligence official who was sentenced to life imprisonment for his alleged involvement in the 1988 Lockerbie air crash killing 270 people.

In a news telecasted in Al Jajira TV, the anti Gaddafi Libyan leaders showed mixed reaction at this defection news and  many told that as in some cases, this Foreign Minster had no less guilt than Gaddafi himself. However this is surely a sign of Gaddafi’s inner degeneration.

Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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