Nevada’s Brothels Receive A Spike In Applications, But Are Hit Hard By Economy

Despite the condition of the United States economy and the job market, there has been a spike of employment in Nevada. However, this is a type of profession that not many would fathom working for. But, the state of the economy does shed light of the desperation at best.

However, this industry is taking a hard economic hit.

This industry is known as the sex industry. However, this is not in regards to pornography. This is the prostitution industry of Nevada. Nevada is one of the few places in the United States that allows for prostitution. But, this industry is getting hard hit as well.

There lies the interesting contradiction.

Yet, the brothels are having a huge spike in employment. Yet, there is hardly any cash coming in into those brothels. This is where the paradox of the situation lies. More women are applying to such places. Yet, the men are spending less on the women at such brothels.

In an ABC news segment, it is revealed that one young woman has flown all the way out to Reno Nevada, to work at one such brothel called the “Mustang Ranch.” For those that do not know what a brothel is, they are known as whore houses.

So far, the woman in the video explains that she is nervous. She explained that she applied to various jobs such as daycares, retail, etc. Yet, she had no replies from any of those jobs. Now, she is working at a brothel in Reno, Nevada.

Overall, this is a new experience for this young woman.

The boss Madam Susan Austin explains that the business has been hit hard by the hard times. However, she does have positivity that they will pull through. But, she does explain that a huge fraction of employees were already laid off. Austin explains she has been receiving applications like crazy.

In a nutshell, there is the desperation factor. And then there is the spike of women applying to work at such places. Yet, these places are suffering from the state of the economy.

Also, such employees should be making good money. However, they will have to negotiate and settle for less.

Depending on how old they are, there is still the possibility that some of them could end up resorting to doing porn movies.

Can Tran:
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