Categories: Opinion

New York; The Last Jerusalem?

Many books told us about the Jews, Jewish. A controversial ethnic (most from Islam) has changes the world especially when Columbus sails to another world. The New Jerusalem began here. In past, they were promised a land Canaan by God, when Abraham was called until Moses. I had read the bible not twice, many times I read, one question raise, why they didn’t like Canaan? Is the land is not fertile? Or are they powerless to carry away the land from their enemy. The answer was not explained by bible or any history book that I ever read. The sailing of Columbus is the answer, to find a new land, called Canaan. Actually, some of them (in the Columbus Sailing) was thinking that the South America is Canaan, but later they walk to north and find the land, as we called now NEW YORK. Now, New York becomes common secret that this city is central of Jews. Like or not this is a reality. I don’t hate them. In my opinion, there are my older brothers. Every time when I read, I am sad if they were attacked by their enemy. I believe that god always with them, bad time and happy time. So I don’t mind that my opinion is racism. I just think, if New York is fallen one day, where they find the New Jerusalem. I don’t tell the history of them from Babel to Nero, Hitler to 7 days in War in 1967 until now. They can survival. That is their power. Many ethnic then began extinct by wars, eliminations, or some event like that. Rome had twelve century to survival. America is now four century, one day, maybe fallen like Rome or not. Is New York become the last Jerusalem?

yohanes k y Kerans: I was born in Waibalun, small village in Flores island, East Indonesia. My nick name is Jacky. I'm the new beginner on writing, because I have no internet connection until one month ago. I hope you can enjoy my my opinion. my website or blog not yet, but I promise in recent time, it will be done. so you can see who am I. Thanks for your wasting time to see my writing.

I have a dream, become earth's king, so I can

realize my scenario, to create earth without war, peace and happiness. great hope although

I have no power, nothing to do that. I can

imagine it in my opinion. Thanks for your attention.

You can visit me at http://jackysopinion.blogspot.com, http://waibalun.blogspot.com
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