The latest Occupy the APA protest will take place May 19, 2013 at Moscone Center in San Francisco. Speakers will include prominent members of the Psychiatric Survivors’ movement and an attorney who has won significant cases against mental health institutions and big pharma.

The "bible" of the APA, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual is neither statistical nor scientific.  It is a collection of opinions that has been added to over the years with total disregard for scientific method.  At this time, half of the citizens of the United States have some kind of psychiatric diagnosis, from ADD to psychosis.  This promises to increase as the "diagnoses" in the DSM proliferate. The newest "disorders" make you mentally ill if you grieve too long or are shy or engage in political activism.  The only popularly-discussed disorders the DSM does not acknowledge are narcissism and sex addiction.  According to this new edition, a two year old child can be diagnosed as bipolar.

Occupy the APA believes this trend toward pathologizing every person in America must be curtailed by public outrage and action.

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