Suicide attack after peace agreement

Peshawar: At least four police men were wounded when a suicide bomber hit a police station at Mingora, Swat, on Friday evening hours after the Taliban militants signed a temporary peace agreement with the provincial government.

Local sources told media persons that a white corolla was heading towards the police station when the police men on duty signaled the driver to stop but he did not. So the police fired at the corolla which exploded with a bang.

Police officials have confirmed that four police men were injured and the bomber was killed in the incident.

A spokesman of the local militants has denied their involvement in the attack. It raised a new question that who could be behind this attack.

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Meanwhile, a bomb blast in Quetta, Balochistan province, killed two persons and injured 16 others.

Abudlhadi Hairan: Name: Abdulhadi Hairan
Nationality: Afghan
Profession: Journalism (news and photos)
Email: ahhairan@gmail.com

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