The Adventures of Tom.


It upsets me to hear all the talk and innuendo regarding the actor Tom Cruise. I listened to a recording of him being interviewed and some people are calling him insane for his delivery and choice of words. I will go on his defense and say that the man is not insane and in any case insanity is not a crime. Look at the mad president who presently occupies the White House and you don’t hear calls for him to be put in a straight jacket and in a padded cell. In fact, the constitution of the United States does not deal with insane or mad presidents or their removal.

But I digress, and let me address one insane man at a time or at least the idea of an insane man. Let me try to explain why I think Tom Cruise is not insane by listing items relevant to the matter.

a. Actors, are universally recognized for being unusual characters and a little wacky or eccentric.

b. Celebrities across the US are afforded special treatment, whether or not the judicial system, police, and politicians admit it. They might even be said to be above the law, whether or not the authorities will admit to it.

c. Tom behaves and speaks in a unique fashion in real life, yet on the screen he must read from a script. And Tom Cruise maintains a very secluded life without much contact with the media and when he does appear people find his eccentricities disturbing.

d. Also, I call to mind the various religions of the world and if their adherent’s practice in a certain original manner does that make them insane?

e. Calling to mind the Druids and how they practice their religion by worshipping boulders, rocks, and trees and nature but that is what the Druids do. And does it make them insane people for doing it? Some are saying the supposed insanity is a result of his religion, but I say that his religion has nothing to do with it. Recall L.Ron Hubbard and certainly he did not speak in a similar fashion yet he adhered to the same religion.

f. Politicians, celebrities, and common folk are free to be insane without the fear of going to prison for it. The bottom line here is that no matter what a person may do, or say (or the way in which they say it) is enough to brand them strange, odd, or insane and in any case it is not a crime.

g. Insanity is a perk of the extremely Rich & Famous and it has often been debated that the extremely weak have a tough time dealing with fame and fortune.

For my own part I am thankful not to have any dealings with the, A list, actor and I want to keep it that way. For as long as he stays far away from me I will sleep soundly.

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