Why we need to donate Blood

Blood can be defined as the fluid we have in our bodies that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. It also carries waste to be eliminated from the body.It the life of an individaul
We have between 4 and 6 liters of blood in our adult bodies depending on size.
Millions of people will need blood this year.
There are tens of thousands of pints of blood that are needed every day to help people.
Some of the reasons people need blood transfusions are:
Car accidents
Sickle Cell
Premature birth

Almost all serious health issues use blood donated by people like you and me to save lives.
Blood that is donated last a little more than 40 days. Then it must be disposed of. That means we need to constantly replenish the blood so it is there when someone needs it.
Holidays are usually when blood is in short supply. Maybe next holiday season that could be your gift to a needing person.
Your blood could save a baby, a child, a mother, a father, a grandfather, a grandmother.
They cannot make blood, it is a gift we all have inside of us to give to those who are injured, sick, or in need.
Those are the best reasons to donate blood. Not everyone can save a life. But you have an opportunity to. Don”t waste it.

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