Great king Auranzeb name earned Zinda pir

The simple life Auranzeb led earned him the name Zindapir

Being a person of religious temperament, Auranzeb was highly attached too Islam. He gave up the policy of tolerence of his ancestor. In 1662 AD., he conquered Assam by defeating the Ahoms. Between 1669 and 1672 AD., he had to fight against the peasants of Mathura, the Jats, Sikhs, Satnamis and the Bundeles. Next he marched into the Deccan in 1681 AD. And he conquered Bijapur from the Adilshahis in 1686 AD. And Golconda from the Qutbshis in 1687. his army reached Sira Bangalore and Arcot in the south.


Next he turned against the Marathas, and killed Shivaji’s son Sambhaji. But the Marathas continued resistance under Rajaram, shivaji’s second son. And after Rajaram’s death in 1700 AD., his widow Tarabai resisted Mughul power valiantly. Aurangzeb’s Deccan cam-paining exhausted his treasury and he died in the South after companion there for 27 years.


An administrator, Aurangzeb had divided the empire into 27 Subas. He was a devout Muslim free from vices, and abhorred liquor, music or banned prostitution. The simple life he led earned him the name Zindapir.


The long Deccan campaign 1681 to 1707 exhausted the physical and economic power of Aurangzeb. He could not suppress the power of the Marathas. The Mughal Subedras also turned disloyal and revolted. Auranzeb did not encourage music, art and architecture, and thus the cultural glory of the empire also declined with him.

Madugundu Krishna: English and Telugu writer. Hyderabad-India.
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