Honoring the Dalai Lama’s recent 78th Birthday

Waves (and a Quote) / The Village Elder

Reincarnation Through Common Sense is now available as an ebook and will be available in print shortly. www.fearlesspuppy.org

I sit on the Temple’s beach with a man in his seventies. We are watching the waves. He is a wonderful person, a Class A human being. The Village/Temple elder has become as much of a friend to me as possible. He is patient. We work around the language barrier.

The Elder has lived his whole life in this tropical paradise. He seems to have something in common with Nature itself. He is stable in the knowledge that nothing is stabilized, that there is no consistent norm. The Elder knows that life is composed of a wide variety of changes and experiences. Some of these changes and experiences trigger happiness, while others make people sad. He knows that folks react to these changes and experiences with wildly varying degrees of intensity.

These varying degrees of intensity sit on either side of a near-mythical center point of complete emotional stability. Many folks will never even get to visit that point of perfect emotional balance even once during their entire lives.

Our Village Elder is at home there.

I wonder how many waves he’s seen.

We sit in near-silence, occasionally passing the few words back and forth that we know in each other’s language. We use hand motions to fill in the conversational gaps. Sometimes one of us laughs at nothing. Then the other laughs at the first one and so we both end up laughing at nothing. Nothing itself seems to like it best when we’re both laughing.

The Elder turns toward me and speaks in his own language. A hand motion and a selfless desire to communicate accompany his voice. Anyone would understand him.

He owns a smile that could stop a war.

“Be aware of everything, but worry about nothing. The waves come in, the waves go out. Life goes on. Do what you can. Enjoy your time here. Learn what you need to know.”

I instantly feel better. Things will change. They always do. They can change for the better and that can be at least partially, perhaps totally, under our own control.

Anyone sitting with The Elder would feel an electricity radiating from him, as I did. You can feel the intense power of this man’s serenity in a simple waving motion of his hand and see it in the sparkle of his eyes. There is an obvious and incredible depth to the wisdom this man has developed during the first seventy some years of an extraordinary life. I feel very fortunate to be on Earth at the same time and in the same place as this amazing person.

“The waves come in, the waves go out. Underneath, ocean always calm.” HH The Dalai Lama

Reincarnation Through Common Sense is now available as an ebook and will be available in print shortly. www.fearlesspuppy.org

Ten Rose: Albert Einstein said, “Once you accept the universe as being something expanding into an infinite nothing which is something, wearing stripes with plaid is easy.” Doug “Ten” Rose has metaphorically worn stripes and plaid all his life. He has thirty years experience raising funds at street level for various causes, often while working under very adverse personal circumstances. He has invented and directed charity projects involving rock stars, pro sports teams, a governor, mayors, and senators. These projects raised awareness and large sums of money for others. Much of this was done while Ten remained homeless himself, and panhandled for food money on the streets (details at http://www.fearlesspuppy.org). He has recently written two books, Fearless Puppy on American Road and Reincarnation Through Common Sense. True to Ten’s form, ALL author profits from these books will be donated to sponsor Wisdom Professionals (beginning with but not exclusive to Tibetan Nuns and Monks). Ten has an unaccredited degree in comparative religion. His real degree is as a graduate cum laude of heroin addiction and death, as well as thirty-five years and over a hundred thousand miles of travel without ever driving a car, having a bank account, telephone, or a bill in his name. Ten may be the most comedic smartass as well as the wisest and most entertaining survivor of the hitchhiking adventurers that used to cover America’s highways. The term “crazy wisdom” is often used, but rarely meets its match the way it does in this author. Ten Rose and his work are a vibrant part of the present and future as well as an essential remnant of a vanishing breed.
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