Pentagon places Army General Nagata at risk by leaking his name as being in charge of training Syrian rebels against ISIS

General Nagata speaking to troops in Afghanistan. Image credit defense.gov

During a Pentagon News briefing held on January 23rd, 2015 Rear Admiral Kirby confirmed that the US military has ever intention of continuing its training of what he called “moderate Syrian opposition” forces as part of ongoing counter- ISIL operations.

Despite serious concerns by some members of Congress about this whole idea, including such members as Rand Paul – who opposes this idea.

See video: Sen. Rand Paul Argues Against U.S. Arming Syrian Rebels on Senate Floor – September 18, 2014  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DveDwEk122Y

Here is exactly what Rear Admiral Kirby said:

“I want to just give you an update on counter-ISIL operations. Late last week, Friday, in fact, Secretary Hagel authorized an initial contingent of trainers and enablers to begin establishing training sites for the program to train and equip the moderate Syrian opposition. We expect the first advance detachment, less than 100, to arrive somewhere in the theater in the coming days and the next wave of several hundred trainers and enablers will deploy in the next few weeks.”

Kirby went on to say that they will be trained and spread out across the multiple sites (unspecified).

Kirby also disclosed the General’s name to members of the  press who will be in charge of this effort  identifying him as (Major) General Michael K. Nagata of Central Command.

Which was a bone headed move on his part! Each time he does that it puts the spotlight on him!

Here is what Kirby said in the context :

“So we expect this advance element, which is, again, less than 100, to be spread out across the multiple sites. And I don’t have an exact breakdown for you, Lita. That’s — I’d point you to — to General Nagata and his team at Central Command there to — to speak to how they’re going to break it up. Again, this is just — this advance element is — is just — they’re sort of — sort of A team, if you will. They’re going to go after the sites, take a look at what’s there and — and prepare for further deployments”, said Kirby in a rather glib fashion for which he is famous.

Why the Pentagon would mention flag officer by name in connection with this and other sensitive operations is mind boggling.

I should add that Nagata’s name was leaked last year in various media reports.

I actually called the Pentagon to complain on that, arguing that it places him and his family at risk, requesting they provide him with additional security  but officials there were dismissive at the time and failed to grasp the implications of what they have done!

People I’ve talked to, who are experts in security and protection have suggested that by naming the man was ill advised from a security standpoint.

Nagata has a wife and 5 children, who also have families by the way, many of whom are on Facebook and other social media sites.

You can easily map someone’s entire social network on Facebook by looking at their profile information and friends network to find relatives and friends. You can also friend them to discover connections and identify military personnel.

See article: Social networking sites and the military https://groundreport.com/social-networking-sites-and-the-military/#.VA4m78DJxto.twitter . See also: Digital espionage are you at risk? https://groundreport.com/digital-espionage-are-you-at-risk-2/

Nagata is a former Pearl City, Hawaii resident.

I should mention that Mac Dill Air Force Base, home of the US Special Operations Command has been known for its lax security protocols.

See related article: Woman breaches security at Florida military base four times, once using a stolen identification card https://groundreport.com/woman-breaches-security-at-florida-military-base-four-times-once-using-a-false-identification-card/

Anyone can slip in Mac Dill, it’s not that hard. I would personally like to see better security at this base.

Guards at the front gate almost never check ID’s for people accompanying military personnel onto the base. They only check the driver in many cases.

You also have 800 or so people who are given “friends” passes that are allowed to roam around the base unescorted.

See article: Jill Kelley’s MacDill Air Force Base pass suspended http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/2012/11/14/jill-kelleys-macdill-air-force-base-suspended/

This is a situation I have been trying to get them to address for years now? After all Mac Dill is home to Special Operations Command? In addition you also have unguarded coast lines at MacDill, where frogmen can swim or wade ashore undetected.

Security here is somewhat of a joke and everyone knows it.

See related webpage: http://www.centcom.mil/en/about-centcom-en

ISIS has already targeted US Central Command twitter feed on at least two occasions if I remember right. See video: U.S. Central Command Twitter feed appears hacked by IS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWar0_ClfPA  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfCOW9w6IXA


Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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