When Mohammad passed away the whole of Arabia had accepted Islam

 Mohammad had gained lot of experience in the school called life. From his 40 th years old, he became an introvert and spent much of his time in meditation. In the holy month of Ramzan, when he was meditating in a cave, Archangel Gabriel (Jibrile) is believed to have conveyed to him some heavenly messages. These messages became the basis of Islamic religion which he preached to his wife Khadija, friend Abu Bakr and Cousin Ali, who became the followers of the religion.


 He being visited by the Archangel repeatedly and being taught the contents of the Koran was told by him to His followers, who later got the teachings written. Though He taught his religion to a limited circle, course of time he came to have a wider following. The poor and slaves surrounded him in his house to hear him. He criticized the then prevailing religious practices. So the number of his enemies increased. As he was critical of the worship of images in the Kaba, the guardians of the Kaba to turned against him.


As His enemies threatened His very life, Mohammad left Mecca and took shelter at another Arabian city called Yatrib. This escape of his took place in 622 AD. The reckoning of the Muslim era, Al Hejira (AH) starts from this year. The people of Yatrib not only welcomed him but also accepted his teachings. They even handed over its administration to him and renamed the place as Madina (City of the Prophet). In 630 Mohammad conquered Mecca and granted amnesty to all his former enemies. He destroyed all images found in the Kaba, he also ordered the closure of all liquor shops and brothels. In 632 when Mohammad passed away the whole of Arabia had accepted Islam  


Madugundu Krishna: English and Telugu writer. Hyderabad-India.
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