Beating Top Summer Health Hazards

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Even though you haven’t had summers off since you finished school, the warm breeze and the welcoming sunshine are quite tempting and beckon you outside. However, before you simply race outside without any care in the world, you need to ensure that you are ready for anything summer can throw at you. This means more than just rubbing on some sunscreen; you don’t want to sit out because of food poisoning, a sprained ankle or raging poison ivy. So, how can you overcome the top summer health hazards? This is how you can go about it:

1.      Follow the 10% rule

Sure, you want to be in shape for the bikini season, but this doesn’t mean that you should go extreme on exercising because this is going to lead to injuries. It is best to start slowly, which involves increasing your activity by 10% on a weekly basis. Also, you need to avoid being the weekend warrior, which means cramming all your exercise on the weekend. It is better to do 20 minutes of exercise on a daily basis rather than putting in a three-hour session on the weekend.

2.      Heat Stroke

A severe form of hyperthermia, heat stroke occurs when more heat is absorbed by the human body than it can dissipate. This serious condition requires immediate medical attention. Lowering the temperature of the body is the key here, which can be done by taking a cold shower or immersing yourself in ice. Wear light and loose clothes, drink plenty of water and don’t over exert yourself.

3.      Watch out for Rosacea

Over exposure to the heat and sun causes your skin to turn red and this is a symptom of rosacea. The blood vessels are dilated because of the excess heat and leads to redness. The key to prevent this is to stay away from direct sunlight and use an oil-free sunscreen of at least SPF 30.

4.      Foot Infection

Your chances of foot infection during the summer are increased due to humidity and sweating. You can find a number of anti-bacterial powders in medical stores. Wash off the bacteria from your feet by scrubbing your toes and feet thoroughly. Consult a dermatologist if the condition is serious.

5.      Summer Diet

Cold foods are highly recommended during the summer such as berries, yogurt and watermelon. The beauty of these foods is that they contain very little calories and don’t need energy for digestion. These foods should be chilled and eaten cold during the summer months because they feel good. However, it is recommended that you don’t drink too-cold liquids as the body had to work extra hard to bring them to the body’s temperature.

6.      Protecting the hair

Your glossy locks also suffer during the heat because of chlorine and sun damage. You should use anti-chlorine shampoo and moisturizer for keeping your hair healthy. Keep the use of hair products and straighteners to a minimum along with other heating products. Apply a handful of mouse and towel dry your hair for best results.

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