Infant Baptism Is It Scripturally Right


Is infant baptism Christian meaning it follows the teachings of Christ?

Is infant baptism litergically, scripturally correct? or Do we simply do it to appease others within our circle as well as society?

This will not be a popular article for either Christians or Catholics who read it, but this is one area that as a Christian we seem to ignore and or avoid, possibly knowing that what is being done is wrong and sinful, yet we choose to do it in order to appease society, or family. Maybe we do not even see it as wrong or sinful?

God and Jesus and Holy Spirit, never once told anyone that their walk with Jesus was going to be a popular thing or a popularity contest, just the opposite, they warned us that we might have to turn from family and friends in order to walk the walk, and talk the talk of Jesus. This is one of those times.

There are many things that we do in life, that we do for the good of others. One such thing is “Infant Baptism”.

In The name of all that is holy the Roman Catholic Church believes this to be a scripturally approved practice, but there is no truth to their belief for there is no scripture that instructs us in this manner.

Maybe We do it believing that we are safe-guarding the child from Satan and cleansing the child from the “Sin of Adam”. Maybe we do it in order to appease grandparents who are insisting upon it.

Neither of these reasons is right, not for the sake of the child nor according to Holy Bible Scripture, and God definitely does not see it as a good thing, as it does not agree with His Word in The Holy Bible.

There is absolutely no scripture, Old testament or New testament that says that it is right and proper to baptize an infant. There is absolutely no Bible Scripture that tells us that the sin of Adam can be, or is cleansed from such a ceremony, performed on an infant.

Yes Baptism will cleanse “Adam’s sin” but not in an infant, who doesn’t even know that it has sinned.

Please don’t misunderstand. There is nothing wrong with a Christening ceremony where the child is named and the parents pledge to bring the child up with Christian values but baptism is totally different from a christening or naming ceremoy.

Under Hebrew Law or the Laws of Moses, passed down by God himself, it is not until a child is at the approximate age of thirteen, is the child considered able to make an informed decision as to whether or not through a Mitzva, he or she, wishes to become a part of the Jewish Faith or not, and even then the child must undergo months of study, to learn much about the Hebrew Torah and the “Laws of Moses.” The Hebrew Candidate must be able to understand the laws and form an informed decision, whether or not this is for him or her.

Christians and especially Catholics feel that it is alright for an infant to be baptized having two adults stand as witness, “God Parents” who speak for the child. This is a falsehood, a misconception and a false teaching, not backed by biblical scripture. This is nothing more than a way for the Church to grab some extra cash.

How is it possible for an infant to understand that it is with sin, and that the sin can only be removed by baptism, being re-born in Christ? How can an infant even know what sin is and its danger to the soul? How can an infant know Satan, let alone know if He or She would renounce him? As an infant what does “Renounce” even mean? Who or What is a Satan anyway? How can an infant possibly make an informed decision whether or not it wishes to follow Jesus?

As Christians these are questions that should be going through the minds of the parents before they rush into such things, not merely doing it to keep Grandma happy.

One should be able to know and understand, not only good and evil right and wrong, but one must be willing to whole-heartedly believe in God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and stand ready knowing the full meaning of their convictions and commitment, to be ready willing and able to renounce satan and adopt Jesus Christ as God saviour and redeemer. Anything less would not be right. Our Lord, who was without sin, waited until he was 30 years old.

Lastly it is the belief and feelings of this writer, that for a Baptism to be proper and complete, one should if possible, ask his or her pastor for a “Total Immersion, Baptism.” Just having some Christian Pastor or Catholic Priest merely sprinkle a few drops of water over one’s head is not a baptism in the truest form, after all, total immersion, if it was good enough for Jesus to be fully immersed, then why not you and me and the children.

A baptism should be a solomn yet joyous occasion, where an informed candidate stands ready willing and able to know satan as their enemy, and welcome God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, into their lives, accepting Jesus as confessor,redeemer,saviour, and intercessor with God Our Father and be willing to offer up their lives in full submission and service to God.

Indeed baptism serves to cleanse us, but baptism would have no purpose no meaning at all if it were not for the crucifixion and resurrection of Our Lord.




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